My (Kate's) summer has been plagued with bad luck, mono, our kitchen ceiling ended up on the kitchen floor, we replaced the ceiling together (that was fun though), then a relapse of mono, then an emergency root canal... sigh.
It was fantastic. It rained so much and it was warm so we were comfortable the entire day, walking around in our rain jackets while everyone around us was hiding under archways and in gift shops. Finally we stopped at an information desk to ask about seeing the elephants and we learned that the only way to see the elephants at the Bronx Zoo is by way of monorail, and they had just closed it due to all the rain.
Instead we kept walking, agreeing we could see them another time, and found ourselves alone, in the pouring rain in front of the rhinoceros paddocks. I was sipping my delightful hazelnut coffee and looking for the rhinos when Scott tugged on my left hand, got down on one knee and said, "Marry Me?" And put a beautiful ring on my finger. I didn't say anything for a moment out of shock, and then I'm pretty sure I rambled a bunch of Yes's, and the rest, well, I don't want to kiss and tell...