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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ultimate Frisbee!

This post is for anyone who is not getting their hair, toes, fingers, or faces done Saturday morning. Starting at 10:30am there will be frisbee being played behind the Sunnyside Building on the Inn's property. Hopefully enough people will show up that we can get a game of Ultimate going - we'll wait until about 10:45 to start making teams. A quick rundown of Ultimate's rules can be found here, but basically its like football and soccer combined - with a Frisbee.

The lawn is located toward the rear of the Inn's property behind Sunnyside (pictured to the left). If you can't find it just ask at the front desk.

People can play as long as they want but Groomsmen will have to be dressed by 2:00 so some of us will drop off.

Hope to see you out there!

3 days and buying cat food

3 days to go and I have to buy cat food.

Trigger and Elie will be on vacation with my parents in CT while Scott and I are on our honeymoon and I am almost out of cat food.  I'll be getting that today along with a few other little items that needed to wait for a day or three before the wedding.

Family is starting to come in from out of town which is very exciting.
My cousin Deb is here from Oregon, Ric and Mary and Mary's mom Carla are here from San Francisco and my sister will be here tomorrow from DC.

I also had my final dress fitting two days so I'll be picking that crazy little number on Thursday morning after they finish steaming it and whatever it is that they do to it that I probably wouldn't notice.  (insert smiley face here)

 See you all soon!
Toi! Toi! Toi!

Monday, July 19, 2010

5 days and counting…

and counting and counting

Counting favors, tables, chairs, place cards, programs, and more counting.  A lot of simple math but man am I tired.
I am in Tolland now, heading for a dress fitting tomorrow, a hair appointment on Tuesday, Ric and Mary and Mary's mom arrive on Tuesday in CT from CA, then final last minute items on Wednesday, picking up the dress on Thursday morning before heading up to Lakeville.
It's a terrific ride that I am looking forward to.

Trigger and Elie will be getting comfortable at my parents house for the duration of the wedding festivities and our delayed honeymoon. We will return to CT from our honeymoon on August 13th.  It is all going way too quickly these days.

For the record though, Trigger & Elie seem happy enough with the wedding plans and as the official advisors they have approved and signed off on everything. Phew!

And this is me signing off and going to sleep.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

signs, signs, signs

Kate here.
One week and counting.
Today is July 17th - our original wedding date AND my friend Jills birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL!!!

Last night Scott and I made almost all of the ceremony and reception signs and had a lot of fun doing it (honest).  What I have learned is that Scott is WAY better at cutting in a straight line than I am.  I can draw them ,just cannot cut them.
Here are some signs that inspired our own homemade designs:
That is one that I kept finding online over and over again and I think it is hilarious.

This one is for my dad…

In all seriousness, making the signs was a lot of fun.  Hopefully they'll survive this week of moving around from NY to Tolland to Lakeville, but my good karma should kick in, right?!

Scott and I also made our wedding programs, which we are very happy with with one exception I suppose, and that is that the printer cut off part of one sentence on the back so I had to hand write in "At the" but there was NO WAY I was wasting all that paper and color ink and reprinting.  Besides, I would have had to reformat everything and we are a-okay with how it turned out.  Who really keeps their programs anyway (maybe the parents and the bride and groom, [and Kate because she's super sentimental], right?).

There are a handful of other errands to run the few days before the wedding, per usual I am guessing, bottles of water, flowers, snacks, and so on and so forth.   There's a final fitting too and then picking up the dress before heading to Lakeville.  Oh - and the marriage license.
Nothing to go crazy about.  Hopefully everyone will be relaxed and having fun.
Oh! Did you check the weather?!  Morning rain on the 24th.  Oh well.  Bring those umbrellas!! I know I will.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Maybe it is all about Karma?

I'm not sure if that many of you remember, but about ten months ago, maybe more, we had picked the date of July 17th as the date to get married on.  Then there was the mix up with the dates at the Inn, etcetera, so we graciously accepted the 24th as "The Date".

Now, I'm not saying I want it to rain for the people who are getting married on the 17th, it's not their fault the Inn double booked, but in light of all the hotel troubles everyone has been having the weekend of our big party (you can see where I'm going with this, I know) it would make me smile a little bit on the inside if it rains the 17th and not the 24th.  That said it would make me sad if it were ridiculously hot and humid on the 24th - I'm trying not to curse myself with this.  How about this - I hope the weather is better on the 24th than on the 17th.  That way I'm not hoping for anything terrible, just that our weather is better, right?  My Karma is still in check, right?! Anyone?!

Anyhoo, moving forward, here is the link to the "history" of July weather in Lakeville.
PS: bring rain boots and umbrellas, that will be our rain insurance

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Interlaken in June

Kate here -
With 35 days to go I took a ride out to Lakeville and Millerton, NY to take care of a few wedding details today and decided to take a walk across the street from the Inn to walk the road down to the lake.
There was also a wedding scheduled for late this afternoon so I was able to walk down to the lake around 11:30am and take pictures of the ceremony set up.  It was so beautiful with the trees and flowers in bloom, I think everyone is really going to love the location.

The picture to the left is the start of the drive to the lake, the sign says Private - Interlaken Guests Only (that means you).

For the ceremony itself everyone needs to park across at the Inn and walk down the paved drive to the lake.  It is a shaded walk under huge trees, just note that it's about a 7 minute walk or so from the Inn to the lake; so ladies, if you'd like to wear flats, or bring shoes to swap out - that might be a good idea - just in case.

The Inn just received their new outdoor ceremony chairs and I was able to check those out too.

They are very sturdy and have a small padded seat - hopefully they'll be comfy enough for the half hour or so we'll be using them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.  And that the weather holds out, but there's nothing we can do about that.

Also, the ceremony will be after the heat of the day and everyone has told me that there should be a breeze from the lake, I'm hoping for the best.
I actually think I'd rather have it rain and be cool instead of sunny but wicked hot, ya know?  High heat and humidity is just gross, and who can have fun wearing a dress and make-up in the sun?  I hate sweating.  A lot.  Like, the most.  Yuck.
So - moving on.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Who is #24 - MARRIED?

Sunday was the bachelor party and it was quite a collection of guys. Some from work, some friends, some family, but all a combination. Everyone had a good time and got along, but best of all the Mets won! We sat in the 5th and 6th rows behind first base and had a great angle to watch a come from behind win. Adam set it up so I was the participant on "Mets Make a Deal" with his friend Michelle and I won a autographed Jeff Francoeur ball! On top of that when I returned from a bathroom break there was a new,  "personalized", Mets jersey waiting for me in my seat! After the game the rain came, but it held off for us, and we slowly made our way to Peter Luger Steakhouse for dinner. Wow, that was some good steak. We devoured steak for 6 with a few sides and some drinks, then endeavored into "schlag" territory. Several desserts were shared; an ice cream sundae, cheesecake, key lime pie, and another ice cream sundae. There were also a few Mets fans who inquired into whose jersey I was wearing - "Who is MARRIED?". I explained and everyone thought it was real cleaver, including me! We all went home full and sun-tanned and will get together again, with many others, in about a month.

Lesson of the day: Make sure the car you are behind in traffic isn't actually a parked car.

Across the top: Kevin Ford, me, Scott Brodsky, Ric Baker, Ross Levine
Below: Adam Weiser and Kevin Levine.

I had a really great time, and although some weren't able to make it, I really enjoyed having important people from all the parts of my life come together (and root for the Mets). Thank you.

Side Note:
Make sure on June 19th you are rooting for Kevin when he runs in the Mayor's Marathon in Anchorage Alaska!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

some bad glue

Hi everyone!
We sent out the invites the other day and have just received our first RSVP today - without the RSVP card, just an empty envelope. Yup.
Seems about par for the coarse.
Apparently the glue does not do its job - of actually sealing the envelop closed.  I guess that is what happens when you make your own invites and try to save money on paper-goods. Alas.

If I may ask a  favor of you all (or the 2 of you that have read this), would you be so kind as to ensure your RSVP envelope is sealed tight?
Some closure options:
scotch tape
gaff tape
painters tape
electrical tape
glue on tattoos
sticky candy
spray adhesive
scratch 'n sniff stickers (preferred method)

chewed gum
glue stick
toupee tape 
maple syrup 
fashion tape
poster tape
masking tape

You get the idea. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

25 FREE vacation ideas in Lakeville

(I claim no credit to the information below; however I saw it and thought it a fun means to share all the natural/outdoorsy things to do and see in the area.  One activity not included on the Inn's list is the Appalachian Trail, which is free and runs right by the Inn.) 

swimming pool at Interlaken Inn - perfect for a family vacation activity
Swimming Pool
at Interlaken Inn

Baltimore Oriole at Sharon Audubon Center
Baltimore Oriole, image courtesy ofSharon Audubon Center

A list taken from the Inn's own website: My favorites bolded and shaded… 

25 (or more) FREE family vacation ideas in Lakeville, CT:

family vacation and canoeing at Interlaken Inn
Canoeing - a favorite activity
for family vacations 

Lake Wononscopomuc at Interlaken Inn
Lake Wononscopomuc
at Interlaken Inn

View from Lions' Head Trail - a family-friendly hiking trail.
Lions Head Trail, image courtesy

Lake Wononscopomuc at Interlaken Inn
Bicycle ride with your family, image courtesy of Harlem Valley Rail Trail

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Kate here.
I had my first dress fitting.  It was not what I expected, nevertheless it was still a pretty fun time.  My  mom and Aunt Lynn came.  The dress is almost a perfect fit, just needs to be taken in in a few spots, and the bustle made…fitting number two on May 24th!
Not much else to report in the ways of the wedding.
I'll see if I can come up with something soon.

Here is a sneak peek of what my dress looks like:
It's really all about whatever that thing is on her head.  I mean, seriously, could that even be comfortable?!?!?
And is she holding one of the flower arrangements from the alter?!

Maybe Scott will have his hair done like that, a girl can dream can't she.  

Food for thought- is that her dad or new husband? 

Or how about this bad boy of a dress.  Wow, and this fashionable once upon a time - let us hope, never again…

Or how about this precious find.

I brought this photo with me to the bridal salon when I was looking and told them I wanted a combo between the one above and this one, what could they do for me?!   I swear you'll just love it.

But we cannot overlook this beauty either…

Seriously, that is a girl on her wedding day.  I think I heard from one of the girls at the bar that she still works at Hooters but that she is working on getting into movies… What a catch!
Thank goodness she wore some gloves; quite modest of her. But no tiara?  Shocking, just shocking. And is that a drink in her right hand?  What, no beer hat?  Some people are so low-brow I swear.

As for the bridesmaids I am thinking something in gold or perhaps orange - any votes?

That's all she wrote for now.  

Saturday, May 8, 2010

And then there were 5 on each side…

The wedding party updates - drum-roll please; 

On Kate's side:
Maid of Honor
Megan A. Baker-Morin, Kate's older sister, married to Dr. Jamie Morin, mother of Liam (5 yrs old) &;  living in DC, working for the State Department and a perfect older sister.

Debra J. Harris, Kate's cousin on her Mom's side, from CT living in OR now - works at OHSU in Portland OR as the Nursing Practice and Education Coordinator and heads up  the bone marrow transplant nurses. Lives with roommates Hector the dog and Ryan the Philospher. 
Sandra Rothbard, Scott's cousin on his Mom's side from NY attending grad school for Urban Planning in NYC with a sense of humor to put someone named Kevyn to shame… 
Karen G. Bernabeo, Kate's childhood friend from Tolland - head of the special education program in Glastonberry CT AND recently engaged - getting married only 6 days after Kate - she crazy but it work!! 
Mary Disbrow, Kate's brothers girlfriend, born and raised in CA and a dear friend of Kate's - works for SEGA of America in the Bay Area and is an exceptionally talented artist and baker (no pun intended). Has a cat named Monkey. 

On Scott's side:
Best Man
Vinny Saciolo, long time friend from paddleball & working construction on Long Island; a Carpentry Foreman for KEWIT and married to beautiful wife Dawn - they have two terrific children Vincent and Jordan. 

Kevin Levine, Scott's younger brother, lives in VA these days - recently completed the NYC Marathon - is a manager for a Hyatt Hotel & is going to be taking on the Alaska marathon in June.  After that the Appalachian Trail awaits! 
Ross Levine, Scott's youngest brother, studying architecture on Long Island and a mean-draftsman - AKA Bernard!  
Ric Baker, Kate's twin brother - a musician/composer/DJ/tour manager who resides in the Bay Area, owner of cat Riccardo and roommate to cat Monkey and girlfriend Mary.  Recently performed at the famous South By Southwest in Austin TX. 
Adam Weiser, one of Scott's oldest friends, they've known one another since they were in 3rd grade.  Adam works as the talent buyer for the Starland Ballroom in New Jersey, and has recently gotten engaged to girlfriend Casey. Woo Hoo! 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More news on the hotel front.

Interlaken Inn officially has NO VACANCY for July 23rd.  There are a few rooms for the 24th, and they will allow a one night stay due to the lack of rooms on the 23rd.

The Manor House 
Is a beautiful Inn that Dustin at the Interlaken helped me find just today.  They have a number of rooms so check the availability and pricing online!

The Tollgate Hill Inn 
Also has rooms available and at even better rates than the Manor House!  Both are beautiful and have pretty good websites.

The Blackberry River Inn
Is another option with several rooms and average rates that you'd expect from a  B&B in peak season.  These are the best options I have come across lately and we all have Dustin to thank who works at the front desk of the Interlaken Inn!!

If you ever need help one on one feel free to email Kate at:
or call me at:  617-821-8423
Good luck and I hope to see you all there!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"nearby" airports

Some links to nearby airports... 


amtrak near Interlaken
and also  
tenmile river train station information 
and the
dover plains train station 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just For Fun

I thought I'd put this direct link up so you can see what the Inn mentions as nearby recreation. Check it out.  Also, for fun, check out the "Lime Rock Suite" on the Accommodations page on the Inn's website - BOO YA!

Back to why I'm writing this though:
The Inn mentions a 9-hole golf course on site, the pool, tennis courts, the 30 acres to go hiking on, a nearby orchard with apples and berries, Fly Fishing on the Housatonic, and much more.
Also I thought I would mention that the day after the wedding the restaurant at the Inn will be serving breakfast per usual; it is open to the public, however that is where we will be so if anyone wants to come and hang out some more... Feel free to leave a comment here on the blog if you want to come to the Inn for breakfast on Sunday - I can see - if there are enough people - about getting reservations for that morning so let me know!

Here's what they wrote on the website:

Morgan's Restaurant dinner menu changes frequently to reflect which ingredients are fresh and in-season. The result: tantalizing recipes made from farm fresh produce and highest quality meats, poultry and fish.
  • Breakfast 7:00 - 10:00 am daily
  • Lunch 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Friday through Sunday
  • Dinner 5:00 - 9:00 pm daily, till 10:00 pm Friday & Saturday Nights
And don't forget about our casual Sunday Brunch, served ala carte from 11:30 - 2:00 pm. We offer a diverse menu of breakfast and brunch entrees. 

So that's the scoop on breakfast at the Inn. 

I'm sure there are plenty of other options in the area, Great Barrington, MA and so forth.  I'll do some research and get back to you. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1st - 5 months and counting...

Kate here.
I want to make sure that everyone knows that the room block being held at Interlaken Inn will be released today.  You can still call and make a reservation, the prices are the same (I hope) the only difference is that rooms are not specifically being held for our wedding guests meaning the general public may now book those rooms. 
With all of the events going on in Lakeville and the surrounding area the July 24th weekend I want to reitterate how quickly rooms are booking up in the general vacinity.  It makes me sad and nervous to be hoenst.  Origianlly the wedding was to be July 17 th as some of you know, alas the Inn made a mistake and double booked for that weekend. 
I thought I was being gracious, etc. and played it as no big deal and happily agreed to the weekend of July 24th not having any clue that there are so many area events that weekend:

Lime Rock Race Track   

parents weekend for several summer
camps in the area

a weekend bike event

Due to these major events some Inns and motels are raising the minimum stay to three nights, others have increaed their prices and almost every place on the back of the Save-The-Date has no vacancy.  

Interlaken has vacancy as of right now (and it is rather pricey so I understand about finding other reasonable places to stay) but they have a 2 night minimum that I was hoping they would waive for us due to the double booking moment.  Not a chance though.  I tried. 

Not to mention everyone has vacancy the weekend of July 17th... sigh. 

Have faith though!
Jane at the Quality Inn still has rooms that are being blocked off for the wedding.  We have not yet chosen a date to release them so I am keeping my fingers crossed. 

Here are some other places you might try:

WIND IN THE PINES (they were very, very nice and it seems to be in a great location and about 30 minutes from the Interlaken)
949 South Main Street ~ Great Barrington, MA 01230
Telephone : (413) 528-3840 / Fax: (413) 528-6354
Has 4 or 5 units left - and a couple 2 bedroom units available: around $150 per night ~ ask for Bob 

Great Barrington MA TravelodgeAddress:
400 Stockbridge Road ~Great Barrington, MA 01230
(413) 528-2340
* approximate times
 Room rate: $199 to $259 for suites with full sized rooms, living areas, etc.

 Mountain View Motel
304 State Road - Route 23 East ~ Great Barrington, MA 01230
(413) 528-0250  (I left a message here, waiting to hear back, but it might be worth calling just in case).

Days Inn Great BarringtonAddress:
372 Main Street ~Great Barrington, MA 01230
(413) 528-3150

* approximate times
they have a few rooms available, 2 night minimum at $219.  Might as well just stay at Interlaken... 

Comfort Inn & Suites Berkshire MA 
RT 7 ~ 249 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, MA 01230
(413) 644-3200
* approximate times

I'll keep looking- there have to be better rates out there for this...

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